In order to celebrate the 78th independence day of the Republic of Indonesia, PT Petro Oxo Nusantara in collaboration with the Gresik Regency Indonesian Garbage Bank Association launched the "Waste Free" Program. An initiative to address environmental challenges by providing education on sustainable waste management practices and forming cadres at the Car Free Day August 20th 2023, Pusponegoro Expression Hall, Jaksa Agung Suprapto Street.

The "Waste Free" program is also in line with Nawa Karsa / Gresik Regency Government's mission, one of which is to create Gresik Lestari. On this occasion, the people of Gresik city received direct education about proper domestic waste management procedures and how to create economic value from waste utilization. Starting from the stalls for exchanging waste with groceries / compost / eco enzyme, fashion shows for recycling clothes, to education on domestic waste processing for magot livestock.

One of the main highlights of this activity was the launch of Masyarakat Berdaya Peduli Lingkungan (MASBERLING) Cadres, assisted by PT Petro Oxo Nusantara in collaboration with the Gresik Regency Environmental Service & the Indonesian Garbage Bank Association. It is hoped that with the existence of MASBERLING cadres, they can speak out to all residents of the city of Gresik, especially regarding good domestic waste management in their surroundings.

"We really appreciate the steps taken by PT Petro Oxo Nusantara in an effort to preserve the environment in collaboration with the Gresik Regency Environmental Service & the Gresik Regency Indonesian Garbage Bank Association. With educational activities and the formation of cadres like what has been implemented, it is hoped that other cadres will be created to create a waste-free environment. Hopefully PT Petro Oxo Nusantara will run smoothly in all its activities and continue to contribute to the community and the environment," said Mr. Saiful Arif as Chairman of the DPD ASOBSI Gresik in his remarks.

Mr Zauji, S.Si, MT as the Head of the Pollution Control and Environmental Damage Division at the Gresik Regency Environmental Service also expressed his gratitude to PT Petro Oxo Nusantara & ASOBSI Gresik Regency for taking concrete steps in an effort to create aw waste-free environment in Gresik Regency. Hopefully this activity can inspire other companies in the Gresik district to participate in environmental preservation efforts.

In her remarks, Mrs. Lilis Nurianah as the Corporate Secretary of PT Petro Oxo Nusantara expressed her gratitude especially to all parties involved for providing the opportunity for PT PON to participate in efforts to create a healthy environment. It is hoped that this educational effort can be sustainable in creating a beautiful environment because good environmental management is a joint collective effort.