Internal Audit & Corporate Secretary


Amanto Juwono

Born in Tuban, January 24, 1974. Holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya.

Started his career at PT Petro Oxo Nusantara in 1997. Has served as Syn Gas Foreman (1997-1998), Production Shift Supervisor Syn Gas and Utility (1998-2003), Process Engineer (2003-2011), Superintendent PE & Safety (2011-2017), and as Manager Quality Control Assurance, Safety Health & Environment (2017-2022).


Lilis Nurianah

Born in Gresik, September 19, 1970. Obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree in Management from Airlangga University, Surabaya (1996).

Started his career at PT Petro Oxo Nusantara in 1997. Has served as Junior Secretary (1997-2000), Executive Secretary (2000-2003), Executive Secretary & ISO Secretary (2003-2007), Executive Secretary & Payroll (2007-2017), and Corporate Secretary (2018).

Served as Corporate Secretary based on Decree No. HRGA/SK-PRO-18-03-03: HRGA/SK-PRO-18-03 dated April 21, 2018.