On Wednesday (24/07) PT Petro Oxo Nusantara (PT PON) received an industrial visit from students from the Chemical Engineering study program at Muhammadiyah University of Gresik, to find out how to implement knowledge of chemical engineering processes in the chemical industry.

The visit began with a safety induction delivered directly by Mr. Eddy Murtono as PT PON SHE Superintendent. During this industrial visit, students were given an explanation about the history of PT PON, the use of final products, and the general production process by Mr. Yuliansyah as Production Superintendent. The students were also given the opportunity to carry out plant tour activities around the factory accompanied by Mr Bayu Gusdi & Veby Iqbal as Process Engineers, and visit the Laboratory area to broaden student’s understanding of the testing and analysis carried out to ensure product quality accompanied by Mr Sultoni Kharis as QA & Environment Supervisor and Didik Wahyudi - Quality Control Supervisor.

It is hoped that this industrial visit can provide answers to the process of implementing chemical engineering knowledge at PT Petro Oxo Nusantara. as well as providing direct explanations about daily operational activities in industry so that students can apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a real industrial environment.