On Tuesday (30/04) PT Petro Oxo Nusantara (PT PON) received a visitation from the General of Chemical, Pharmacy, and Textile Industries of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (IKFT KEMENPERIN RI) represented by Mrs. Wiwik Pudjiastuti as Director of Upstream Chemical Industry and Team. In order to conduct a study on the implementation of the Certain Natural Gas Price (HGBT) policy.
The visit was welcomed directly by Mr Willy Prakoso as Director of Operations, Mr. Pranowo Tri Nusantoro as Director of HR&GA, with the Managers of PT Petro Oxo Nusantara (PT PON). On this occasion PT Petro Oxo Nusantara opened with a safety induction followed by a presentation regarding HGBT implementation, ending with a plant tour.
It is hoped that with a visit from the Directorate General of IKFT, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, we can increase synergy with the government, especially in the production sector, with this policy it can stimulate industrial growth at the national level.
Corporate Activities
30 April 2024